
Overview of the ESD Reporting and Assessment (ESDRA) Subprogram

Scope of ESDRA Subprogram

Given that Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) effectively includes virtually all the activities conducted by fisheries agencies and the fisheries industry, it is important to define the scope of the ESD Reporting and Assessment (ESDRA) Subprogram.

Another way of looking at this problem of scope is the ESDRA Subprogram was not called the “ESD Subprogram,” otherwise all current and future Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) projects would have to be included in it.

The ESDRA Subprogram will only address national projects that seek to make a major contribution as to how reporting and assessment of ESD can be undertaken, to assist in its implementation.  It will include all relevant FRDC projects, but will involve and hopefully ‘value-add’ to other relevant activities that may be funded by other sources (e.g. Fisheries Resources Research Fund).

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